1.1 Number of students year wise during the last five years.


DVV Findings

  1. Admission approval documents received from the university for assessment period. 

           HEI Input: Click here  for clarification


  1. Consolidated year wise list of students approved by the affiliating University. 

           HEI Input: Click links below for clarification


  1. Consolidated authenticated year-wise, semester -wise list of students on HEI's letterhead. 

           HEI Input: Click links below for clarification


  1. Total number of students on rolls across all the programs (consider 1st ,2nd, 3rd years etc., of each program) for all the assessment period years

            HEI Input: Click here for clarification



2.1 Number of teaching staff / full time teachers during the last five years (Without repeat count):


DVV Findings


  1. Consolidated list of total full time teachers in block five years (Without repeat count) indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period authenticated by the Principal/competent authority.

           HEI Input: Click here for clarification


2.2 Number of teaching staff / full time teachers year wise during the last five years


DVV Findings 


  1. Consolidated list of all full time teachers year-wise indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period authenticated by the Principal/ Competent authority.

           HEI Input: Click links below for clarification




3.1 Expenditure excluding salary component year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)


DVV Findings


  1. Audited statement of income and expenditure duly certified by the Principal and Chartered Accountant in case of privately funded institutions highlighting the salary component, depreciation and excess of income over expenditure. 

           HEI Input: Click here for clarification


  1. Statement showing the total expenditure excluding the salary component for each of the years certified by the Principal and Chartered Accountant.

           HEI Input: Click here for clarification





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Tel: +91 7823839456, 8432511907

Email: admission@christcollegepune.org

Web: https://www.christcollegepune.org


Enlighten to Excel


As a C.M.I. Educational Institution, the college regards education as integral to the formation of the human person for the fulfillment of his/her individual and social responsibilities. The college aims at forming leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially responsible, individuals who are open to grow and champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace.

Copyright © Christ College, Pune 2023